Saturday, July 23, 2011

QR Codes

As I was browsing through Twitter I noticed a tweet regarding QR Codes. Being the curious person I am, I just had to click on it to find out more.

For those of you who may not be familiar with QR Codes they are the newest thing to come to Jacksonville, NC. It is a bar code that has contact information, website addresses, a message, a comic, etc.
When someone with a smart phone takes a picture of this QR Code it reads the bar code and translate the "hidden" message, website, etc. and saves it to your smart phone.

I couldn't resist myself, I had to create one for Southwest Plantation, Home of Bear Trail Golf Club. Check it out!
Now that you have checked it out, what are your thoughts? Is this a useful tool or just something else for people to do that really won't make a difference? Will it help those relocating to Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River to find out more about the community and insight into the housing market? You be the judge.

All comments welcome!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Clearing Up The Location Confusion

Southwest Plantation, Home of Bear Trail Golf Club is the best kept secret in Jacksonville, NC because of their mailing address.

Southwest Plantation and Bear Trail Golf Club both have Jacksonville, NC addresses. The lots themselves are recorded as Jacksonville, NC but since the Maple Hill US Postal Service has assumed mail delivery responsibilities the mailing addresses for each lot is Maple Hill. Confused yet? Homeowners within Southwest Plantation pay county taxes instead of city because they are not recognized as part of Jacksonville as a result of how the US Postal Service separated the mail service.

The lesson to take away, when searching for homes in Jacksonville on or the many other home search websites, is to always include the surrounding areas. Because you never know what gem is sitting right on the line. Southwest Plantation is the perfect example of this. It is really in Jacksonville, just has a Maple Hill mailing address.